Dedication to customers and a desire to drive improvements in the industry
Who We Are
We help our customers understand where they can best fit and evaluate what we can do to improve information dissemination between buyers and sellers. Collectively, we have years of experience brokering seed and developing relationships with customers. As individuals, many of us are young, energetic, and enthusiastic (actually, we’re all energetic and enthusiastic, we’re just not all young) and pride ourselves on our ability and desire to adapt and move forward with the seed industry. In fact, our use of technology to bring buyers and sellers together is unmatched. If we seem like a company you would like to work with, give us a call. We’d love to meet you.

MayerSeedLine began doing business in July 2007 following the merger of two successful legacy brokerage firms, MayerSeed, Inc. of Willmar, Minnesota and Seedline, LLC of Loveland, Colorado. In the summer of 2008, Brayton/North Inc. of Ames, Iowa merged its brokerage services into MayerSeedLine. These three companies shared the same dedication to customers and a desire to drive improvements in the industry. The resulting MayerSeedLine has a larger collective customer base, providing a larger database for buyers and sellers. We offer improved efficiency while delivering the same high quality, relationship-based customer service that customers of MayerSeedline have come to expect.
At MayerSeedLine, we respect all licensing arrangements and provide a fair and safe environment for the buyer and seller by verifying all rights and obligations prior to completing a contract. We also hold our ethical standards high, ensuring our actions are always beneficial to all parties involved in a transaction or business relationship.
Our staff comprises experienced, fresh, enthusiastic people who can’t wait to make a difference for seed producers and retailers.

Prior to MSL, Darin spent 20 years as a design engineer in the Ag and food manufacturing industries traveling the U.S. and abroad working on various projects. Throughout this time, he continued to be involved in his family’s farming operation in central MN applying his engineering skills to make improvements to equipment and
practices. Today Darin manages this generational family farm and continues to be passionate about farming. Darin’s unique background will add depth to our MSL team, and we know you’ll enjoy working with and having conversations with him. When the day is done and the dust has settled, you’ll find Darin enjoying time with his three
kiddos, perhaps trying to lure in an elusive Walleye or out four-wheelin’ on the back

Brenda brings over 20 years of experience to the company and is very detail oriented. She keeps the spirit of the company alive and is wonderful to interact with. If you are having a bad day, call and talk to Brenda—she will have you feeling better in no time.

Jay has 20 years of experience in business leadership roles both within and outside the seed industry. However, he was recruited to MayerSeedline for his musical ability. Sure, his background lends itself to our business and he’s a nice guy, but we were really looking for a someone that could play guitar or piano to entertain us and hopefully you as well. Broker by day, musician by night.

You can call her Jen, but many of us around here call her mom and she’s our MSL caregiver. That’s because she takes care of making everyone feel special, from never missing a birthday and capturing photos of every event to keeping us all on our toes… thanks mom Jen, and we love you! You will grow to love her too, for many reasons, but one in particular is that she manages the MSL checkbook and writes those checks our customers enjoy receiving. Jen has worked at MSL for many years working in the accounting and finance side of the business as well as internal software development. Her experience, attention to detail and servant’s heart contribute greatly to the MSL business and to our overall customer experience. When she’s not taking care of us, she is probably at one of her three kids sporting events being a proud mom in the stands, camera in hand and wearing the team colors.

Lori has been with MSL since 2004. She is probably the only employee that has the distinct privilege to proof every contract written throughout the year. Yes, that’s right, you see every contract is a legal contract between two parties and Lori reviews every one prior to it being sent to a customer making sure it meets the necessary requirements. Her “eagle eye” can spot things a mile away, little details that the Brokers might miss. We all appreciate her accuracy and ability to make sure everything is represented correctly for our customers. Lori also manages our bagging report processing, as well as our licensing and reporting requirements. Lori lives with her husband in beautiful Breezy Point, Minnesota where they enjoy golfing, spending time with friends, live music and visiting their kids and grandchildren. In the winter months, Lori migrates to South Padre Island, TX where she is able to work remotely.

Kristen comes to us with a strong accounting background. Her customer service talents, accuracy with numbers and ability to manage several open projects simultaneously make her a perfect fit to work with international production. Besides being our in-house “boot camp” trainer Kristen has proved to be a fast learner who’s also quick with a joke and a good story.

Maddie Engstrom
Winter Production and Brokerage Support
When Maddie joined MSL she earned the highly coveted designation of “the youngest team member”. Maddie brings to our team that youthful exuberance, a great smile, experience in customer service and also expertise in detail management. Her skillset fits perfectly for her role assisting with international brokerage and domestic logistics. When she’s away from the office she enjoys the adventure of traveling and exploring new destinations and loves spending time with her family and friends.

Matt has more than 20 years of seed experience in trait and genetic sales, product management, and plant and production management. Matt’s middle name is “Reid”– he is a descendant of Robert Reid who originated Reid’s Yellow Dent. RYD achieved widespread recognition upon winning Champion Corn at the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. Matt’s roots run deep in the seed industry. Literally.

Paul has been in the seed business for more than 35 years and has an agronomic background with experience in corn, sunflower, grass, and soy. We call him Mr. Relationship — he doesnʼt like much flash, but he is very well liked and respected by our customers and many are his close friends.

Sarah comes to us with a background in business and accounting. She enjoys gardening and camping and vacationing with her family. Travel is Sarah’s passion — this “island girl” is especially attracted to beach destinations. Sarah always has a genuine smile for everyone and her enthusiasm is contagious.

Steve joined our team with more than 25 years of experience in Research, Pre-foundation, Production, Product Development and Licensing. Steve will enjoy comparing notes with you on your experiences. Always enthusiastic and full of energy… he is indeed, the most positive person in the world. Stay cheerful, my friend.

Terri has more than 15 years of experience in the seed industry and is our contract sample tracking and testing coordinator. Terri is to samples and testing as Google is to internet searching. Have a question on samples or testing— Just Terri it.

Zach is MSL’s youngest broker, yet he comes with a background rich in agriculture. Zach grew up working the fields and raising cattle on his family’s farm in IL and enjoys visiting with and learning from previous generations of farmers and seedsmen. With the extra energy that bubbles from his youthful enthusiasm, he spends time at the shooting range breaking clay birds. Zach is MSL’s young gun.